Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

The army press service stated on Telegram: "Among the targets hit were a missile launch site, a military facility, and routes along the Syria-Lebanon border used by Hezbollah for arms smuggling."

The Israelis claimed that these targets "posed a threat to Israel's rear and the IDF."

The army emphasized: "In accordance with the ceasefire agreement, the IDF continues its activities to prevent any threats to the State of Israel and to thwart the Hezbollah terrorist organization’s attempts to rebuild its forces."

No reports have been received from Lebanon regarding the results of these attacks.

The ceasefire agreement between the Israeli army and Hezbollah came into effect on November 27. According to this agreement, the Israeli army will gradually withdraw from Lebanese territory but reserves the right to attack Hezbollah fighters if deemed a threat to Israel's security.

Since then, incidents have been reported where Israelis and Hezbollah fighters have targeted each other’s positions.

British News Agency


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