Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

The White House press service stated, "The three leaders discussed maritime security, economic cooperation, and China's dangerous behavior in the South China Sea."

The document highlighted that the interlocutors emphasized "the importance of continuing to coordinate actions aimed at ensuring the Indo-Pacific region remains free and open."

Kyodo news agency, citing the Japanese Foreign Ministry, reported that Ishiba emphasized the importance of cooperation in building reliable supply chains among allies and partners and attracting investments into countries.

Ishiba described the security situation around Japan as becoming increasingly "challenging and complex."

Kyodo noted that Chinese ships periodically pass near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. These islands are controlled by Tokyo and are a subject of territorial dispute with China.

Additionally, the Philippines has a territorial dispute with China over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

British News Agency


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