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Union leaders say Boeing's offer is so close that continuing the strike is no longer justifiable. Boeing also invited employees to carefully review the contract's content and vote on November 4.

The American aviation giant’s negotiators have renewed the pay raise offer for 33,000 workers on strike in Seattle since September 13.

The offer includes a 38% salary increase over the next four years, along with a $12,000 bonus. The International Association of Machinists (IAM) supports the agreement and has called for a vote on Monday.

The union encourages its members to approve the agreement and declare a complete victory in the wage dispute. This is Boeing’s fourth offer since early September, but only the third presented for a vote.

The initial offer of a 25% wage increase was overwhelmingly rejected, and last week's vote saw a two-thirds rejection of the 35% increase. The union's demand was a 40% wage increase.

Now, union leaders say Boeing's offer is so close that continuing the strike is no longer justifiable. Boeing also invited employees to carefully review the contract's content and vote on November 4.

British News Agency


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