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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel will reach a ceasefire agreement with Lebanon.

Netanyahu indicated that the duration of the ceasefire depends on Lebanon, saying, "If Hezbollah violates the agreement and tries to arm itself, we will attack. If they dig a tunnel or bring rockets with a truck, we will attack."

Netanyahu explained the reasons for the ceasefire:

"Why a ceasefire now? There are three main reasons: the first is to focus on the Iranian threat, the second is to give our forces a break and replenish stocks, the third is to separate the fronts and isolate Hamas. Over the past year, we have reversed the situation. We were attacked from seven fronts and responded with force. All of this was achieved thanks to the courage of our soldiers, your resilience, and the determined management of the war. With God's help, we will ensure security, rebuild the north, and move forward united for victory."

British News Agency


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