Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

The company now expects earnings per share to grow by 7% to 9% over the next three years, compared to the previous forecast of 5% to 7%.

Allianz also anticipates a return on equity of at least 17% over the next three years.

The company has revised its dividend policy and now plans to pay out at least 75% of its net profit in the form of dividends and share buybacks. The previous policy stipulated allocating at least 60% of net profit to dividends, which remains unchanged.

In November, Allianz raised its outlook for 2024 and now expects operating profit to be near the upper end of the forecast range of €13.8 billion to €15.8 billion.

The company’s capital has increased by 23.4% since the beginning of 2024, reaching €114.8 billion. The DAX index, which includes Germany’s 30 largest companies, rose by 21.5% during the same period.

British News Agency


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