Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg issued a written statement regarding the general situation in Kosovo. Stoltenberg announced that NATO's decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council, had discussed the situation in Kosovo.

Stoltenberg emphasized that they will take all necessary measures to provide a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo:

"The North Atlantic Council of NATO met today (September 29, 2023) to discuss the situation in Kosovo. Allies expressed their deep concern about the increasing tensions in northern Kosovo. NATO's KFOR mission will continue to maintain a visible and agile presence throughout Kosovo. We will always take all necessary measures to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all people living in Kosovo. We do this in an impartial manner and in accordance with our UN mandate. Since May, we have strengthened KFOR's presence and posture. Just yesterday, the North Atlantic Council approved additional forces to address the current situation. We will continue to ensure that our commander has the necessary resources and flexibility to carry out his mission."

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that they are ready to make additional adjustments to KFOR's posture as needed, stating, "KFOR continues to work closely with all relevant stakeholders in Belgrade and Pristina, as well as with the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX), OSCE, UN Mission in Kosovo, and the diplomatic community. We urgently call on all sides to de-escalate tensions immediately. We continue to encourage Belgrade and Pristina to participate in the EU-facilitated dialogue to address unresolved issues and find respectful solutions to the rights of all communities. This is the key to lasting security in Kosovo and stability in the region."



British News Agency


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