Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Founded in 2013, the party included the far-right concept of "remigration" in its program, threatening mass deportations of immigrants if it comes to power.

This term gained notoriety after a secret meeting in November 2023 involving far-right extremists, neo-Nazis, and AfD officials, sparking widespread protests across the country.

The party's two-day congress in the city of Riesa was delayed due to protests by over 10,000 demonstrators, causing a significant postponement of the opening. A heavy police presence protected the delegates.

New polls show that support for the AfD has risen to 22%, while the CDU/CSU coalition's support has dropped to 30%.

During the congress, the party officially nominated Alice Weidel as its candidate for chancellor and presented a manifesto that includes returning to the Deutsche Mark, reinstating compulsory military service, and implementing extensive reforms in education and media funding.

The chances of the AfD entering government are very slim, as all mainstream parties refuse to cooperate with it.

British News Agency


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